
Lengths of the Medium & Low Tension Transmission circuits (Km)

Chart Year Lengths of the Medium Tension Transmission circuits(Km) Lengths of Low Tension Transmission circuits (Km) Total
2023/2022 240000 338000 578000
2022/2021 232516 ٣٣٠٢٩٠ 562806
2021/2020 224607 326495 551102
2020/2019 217680 322185 539865
2019/2018 209084 313522 522606
2018/2017 197741 288867 486608
2017/2016 191691 285194 476885
2016/2015 185475 275422 460897
2015/2014 180000 265000 445000
2014/2013 169183 256416 425599
2013/2012 162596 251805 414401
2012/2011 158362 246837 405199
2011/2010 154631 242798 397429
2010/2009 151220 239056 390276
2009/2008 147143 234898 382041
2008/2007 142983 230187 373170
2007/2006 138373 224032 362405
2006/2005 134005 218408 352413
2005/2004 129647 213960 343607
2004/2003 124172 211445 335617
2003/2002 118150 199498 317648
2002/2001 113399 195281 308680
According to the annual reports of the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company